SFU® is a convenient and effective scanning software product
for organizations that desire a simple and user friendly solution
to quickly convert paper business documents into suitable electronic
format, archived and available on your network for storage and retrieval.
SFU® is a part of the complete product suite available for capturing,
creating and storing electronic documents for faster retrieval and
secured storage. It is compatible with Samhita® Enterprise Document
Manager and support most brand high speed as well as low speed scanners.
SFU® in conjunction with DMS brings a number of benefits to end
users working or managing paper documents in an organization
Benefits Include
Easy conversion of Paper documents
SFU® provides an easy to use web based client application to
convert mission critical paper documents to suitable and searchable
electronic formats.
Eliminate Processing Bottle Necks
SFU® eliminates the bottlenecks of transferring paper documents
through manual means saving a huge amount of cost. Irrespective of
the geographical location, SFU® allows user to upload the scanned
images on to the central image repository at your HQ or the central
processing Unit irrespective of location.
Central Management and control of document conversion
SFU® improves the flow of scanned information allowing the management
of the scanning process to be controlled from a single point of administration.
The administrator can provide a specific location to upload to each
user, therefore allowing user to save time and uploading the scanned
documents real time as well as schedule the same to upload at a later
Save Huge Cost
SFU® save a huge costs by unifying the process of scanning, document
separation, indexing and filling, when there are millions of pages
need to be scanned and uploaded |